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PYP超学科主题“Who we are”探究成果展






Who am I?

What do I see when I look in the mirror?

Who are the people around me?

How different can families be?

What is my family like?

I have a lot questions on my mind!


"Who we are" was our main PYP theme for the past two months. Together with the children we worked on many projects; we discussed various questions where the children shared their own thoughts and ideas on this important topic. Look at all those boards! As you can see, the children have had lots of experiences to share with us!

从9月开始,哈贝围绕“Who we are”这个PYP超学科主题开始了IB的探究之旅。首先就是要对自己和自己周围的人与环境有一个概念。老师们通过一系列游戏与讨论的引导,引发了孩子们一连串的思考:我是谁?我从哪里来?我的家里有谁?我身边的环境中有谁?我的国家有哪些人?世界上还有其他什么样的人?他们长得和我一样吗?和我说一样的语言吗?生活的环境和我一样吗?如果不一样,那是为什么呢?只有孩子们对这些问题有所了解了,才能建立归属感,安全感。

In September IB-PYP curriculum started its first unit. The children have spent two months reflecting on the subject of their own personality, different looks, different nationalities, family diversities and various responsibilities. Together with teachers the children have learnt how to build a connection between a person, a family, other people around them and with the world.


Look at this lady's belly! Is there a baby inside? Does that mean that I used to be in my mommy's belly as well?


Look, I have a belly like my mom used to have! It's so much fun to carry a baby!


For a deeper study, we asked children to bring in family pictures from the moment that their mommies were pregnant with them until the present time. The children could observe the process of growth and how they have changed.



Different professions have different responsibilities.


 Doctors treat people, chefs cook... what are my responsibilities?


A good relationship with people is important for both our mental health and for our happiness.Each job has an impact on our lives. Each profession is important with its own characteristics and duties. The main purpose of each occupation is to serve other people and to make our world better.Children have learned about different professions from people who have visited our kindergarten. They told our children about their jobs and answered all of their questions. The children have watched videos about different jobs and have done various related activities which have helped them to understand the world of different professions.


In order to improve our children's research and communication skills, their thinking ability and the ability explore, we took children to the park and gave them some tasks to complete with the help of their teachers.As a result the kids made new friends and gained new experiences.


The progress report was presented to parents and children during our PYP IB curriculum presentation day.


Look, Mom! I did this!


It's time to look through the portfolios!


My child did a great job! I have to share our success with our friends!



Thank you for your hard work and dedication! The first topic of inquiry was completed successfully! The new journey of inquiry is about to begin! More wonders, more inquiry activities! Our common efforts will bring us some great results!