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STEM Education

What is STEAM Education?

STEAM, first proposed in the United States in 1986, is a practice-oriented interdisciplinary education approach. The program aims to break the boundaries between disciplines, develop students' comprehensive ability to solve real-world problems through project-based explorations and hands-on practices, and cultivate well-rounded talents.

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.

What are STEAM Curriculum Features?

The Happy Kids STEAM curriculum is based on the characteristics of children's physiological development and childrens psychological know-how. The benefits extend from 2 to 6 years old through a four-stage curriculum of each schoolyear. Children-centered, the curriculum gives full play to childrens curiosity and learning passion.

What Are the Benefits of STEAM Curriculum?

Develop students'  creativity and innovation ability, logical thinking, problem solving ability, learning ability , teamwork spirit, information literacy, interdisciplinary application and exploration spirit.

How does Happy Kids Implement the STEAM Curriculum?

We are using a 5E's exploration-based teaching approach: engagementexplorationexplanationextensionevaluation. In this step-by-step learning loop, children are able to grasp knowledge and master a way of thinking, and develop independent thinking. Additionally, through developing their hands-on ability, spirit of exploration, collaboration mindset, and creative skills, children are expected to be highly competitive in their future careers.

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Address:No. 218, Lane 2488, Wenchuan Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai

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